Vicar's Viewpoint

Vicar’s Viewpoint

It hardly seems 12 months since I wrote my last Christmas magazine article and you may remember I was talking about how the Israelites needed to learn that God wasn’t just in the temple but in everyday lives and situations too. Over the last year we have begun to see that God isn’t only here in the church building but has been working powerfully through our church members through a number of outreach events we are involved in and around the community. Our Church Lounge Café for instance is welcoming people on Fridays. Run by church volunteers serving excellent coffee, hot snacks and home-made cakes we see customers from the local community. Some arrive with carers, some on their own, dogs bring their walkers, those collecting children from school arrive and other passing trade bobs in – all get a warm welcome and time for a chat. We have surprised ourselves, I think, by how successful it is. God is in those conversations and situations. Why not call in – Fridays 8.30am-3.30pm. All welcome.

Messy Church at The Elderdale Centre meets monthly for family activities, craft, games, food, worship and fun. It is what it says, church where a mess can be made, but church not in a church building. Once again God has been turning up and helping parents and children together to meet with him. Little Fishes Toddler Group has only been running for a few weeks and yes, it is in church, but not as we know it! It is transformed into an amazing adventure playground with a baby corner, crafts, small world play, jigsaw and book corner, slides, tunnels and tents – everything small people size. They gather at the end for a Bible story, songs and a prayer. Already we are building good relationships with parents and carers and God is very much in the equation.

Soon to follow is the Breightmet Pantry which will be a mobile food bank once a week initially set-up by Urban Outreach, but run by volunteers from churches in the area – and we are heading it up! Once again relationships and trust will be built and as all the volunteers will be Christians I am sure God will be working to draw many closer to him.

Christmas is coming and we have a full range of services and events throughout Advent and many of them are in the church building. Once again we will celebrate the arrival of the Christ-child in the stable in Bethlehem, over 2000 years ago. It will be a time of celebration, joy and delight and our church will look absolutely magnificent as it always does. It will be interesting to see how many new faces turn up to see what church is all about over the Christmas season. However, I do believe that many will have already met Jesus in the many volunteers who are now helping in the areas I’ve mentioned and in many other areas too. As we celebrate Christmas this year, let’s make sure that we not only spare a thought for those less fortunate than ourselves, but we actively find ways to be involved in actually helping them, either by giving or in service. May the Lord grant you a peaceful Christmas.

God bless Wendy